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Bärarmar Fram (Par) ARRMA Kraton, Outcast 4S v2* i gruppen Katalog / Fabrikat / R / RPM / Bildelar hos Minicars Hobby Distribution AB (RPM81682)

Bärarmar Fram (Par) ARRMA Kraton, Outcast 4S v2*

-2 st
Cirkapris: 277 kr
  • Information
    • Front A-arms for the 4S v2 ARRMA Kraton & Outcast

      RPM Front A-arms for the 4S v2 ARRMA Kraton & Outcast are designed primary for strength and durability but we’ve added a few extra features in as well.

      First is slop elimination. Our Front A-arms reduce the amount of movement of the A-arm at the hinge pins, providing for better steering response and more consistent camber, caster and toe angle settings.

      Our next improvement is the addition of a second shock mount hole further out on the arm, providing for a lower profile suspension set-up. This shock position allows the suspension to lay down a little further, dropping the ride height for a lower center of gravity and better cornering stability.

      Our most important update is durability. Our new A-arms are massive and uniform in thickness across their entire length! All RPM A-arms are molded from our ultra tough blend of engineering grade nylons for performance you can rely on when conditions are at their worst!

      Tech Notes: RPM Front A-arms for 4S v2 versions of the ARRMA Kraton & Outcast are sold in pairs. Replaces stock ARRMA #ARA330711.
  • Egenskaper
    • Ursprungsland: US
  • Delar
  • Populära Tillbehör
    • Nedladdningar
    • GPSR
    • Tillverkare

      Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

      Namn RPM RC Products / Rohart Precision Mold, Inc
      Adress 14978 Sierra Bonita Lane
      91710 Chino
      Land United States of America
      Telefon 001-909 393 0465
      Epost Talk2Us@rpmproducts.com
      Hemsida www.rpmproducts.com


      Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

      Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
      Adress Annelundsgatan 17
      74940 Enköping
      Land Sverige
      Telefon 0046-0171143000
      Epost info@minicars.se
      Hemsida https://www.minicars.se
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