- Information
- Wingspan: 1220mm
- Overall Length: 1165mm
- Wing Load: 95.3g/dm²
- Wing Area: 32dm²
- Flying Weight: Around 3050g
- CG (center of gravity): 180-190mm
- Motor Size: 3665-KV2000
- ESC: 100A
- Servo: 8x13g & 3x9g
- Rec. adio: 6 Channels
- Rec. Battery: LiPo 22.2V/6S 4000-5500mAh 45C
- Battery compartment size: 200x68x45mm
FMS 143PBU - F-88 SABRE 80mm EDF
Get Ready For An Incredibly Realistic RC Airplane
Faithfully recreating the legendary aircraft, this model combines realism with performance. With features like retractable CNC-machined landing gear system, and movable airbrakes, every detail is meticulously crafted. The eight 13g metal servos ensure precise maneuvers, while the high-performance configuration delivers incredible power. Reinforced for structural integrity and featuring classic 'Skyblazers' scheme,' which offers a true-to-life and powerful RC experience.
The F-86 fighter, affectionately known as the "Sabre," developed by the United States, stands as the epitome of swept-wing jet fighter aircraft. As the first-generation jet fighter in the U.S. Air Force's arsenal, the F-86 Sabre holds significant historical importance in the annals of military aviation. Its versatility allowed it to excel in air combat, airspace interception, and ground strike missions. If you're a model enthusiast with a passion for history and the military, then FMS' F-86 Sabre is undoubtedly a must-have choice. Take action now and bring this legendary classic into your collection!
Specs:- Specifications
Delivered as: Almost-Ready-To-Fly Operating Mode: Electric Plane Type: Ducted Fan Span: 1220 mm Suitable For: Experienced Wing area: 32 dm2 Length: 1165 mm Material: Foam Weight: 3050 g ESC: 100A BL Transmitter: Ingår Ej Aileron: Yes Motor Type: Brushless Motor/Engine: 80mm Ducted Fan with 3665-2000kV Motor Flaps: Yes Retracts: Yes Battery: Not Included Charger: Not Included - Parts
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Registred contact information for the products manufacturer.
Name FMS BEST RC/ Dongguang / Handsun Address Suite 1002-1, Building 6, Integrated Science and Innovation Park, No. 25 Sanle East Road
Shunjiang Community, Beijiao Town, Shunde DistrictFoshan City Country China Phone 0086-15989104634 Email support@fmsmodel.com Homepage www.fmshobby.com
Registered contact information for the responsible company within the EU.
Name Minicars Hobby Distribution AB Address Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping Country Sverige Phone 0046-0171143000 Email info@minicars.se Homepage https://www.minicars.se - Flik
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