- Information
- Wingspan: 1730mm
- Length: 1752mm
- Weight: 4.7kg
- Wing area: 47.6dm2
- Wing loading: 98.74g/dm2
- Servo mount: 42x21mm
- Spinner: 70mm
- Wing type: Naca Airfoil
- Gear type: Electric retract gear, size: (92.2 x 51 x 30.6)mm (not included). CNC Suspension Metal Struts (included).
- All Balsa and Plywood COnstruction
- Covered in Printed Heat-Shrink Film
- Radio: 7 Channels
- Servos: 8
- Engine: .65–.95 2-stroke, 15cc gas
- Motor: Brushless Outrunner 1200-2200W, 650KV
- Propeller: Suit with your engine
- Motor: RIMFIRE.60
- Lipo cell: 6 cells 4000-5000mAh
- Receiver battery: 6V/ 1200-2000mAh
- ESC: 80A
Parts listing required (not included):
Recommended motor and battery set up (not included):- Specifications
: 2024-02-12 Delivered as: Almost-Ready-To-Fly Operating Mode: Electric , Fuel Plane Type: Scale , Sport Span: 1730 mm Suitable For: Experienced Wing area: 47,6 dm2 Length: 1752 mm Material: Wood Weight: 4700 g Transmitter: Not Included Aileron: Yes Motor Type: Brushless , Gasoline , Nitro Motor/Engine: Not Included Flaps: Yes Retracts: Optional Needed To Complete: 8 Servos , BL Motorsystem or Gasoline/Glow Engine , Transmitter & Receiver - Parts
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