- Information
- Wingspan: 2000mm
- Wing area: 31.5dm2
- Weight: 1kg
- Length: 941mm
- Rec. Motor: 400-480 size
- Rec. Radio: 4 channels
- Rec. Servos: 3 mini (23x12x24mm)
- Rec. Propeller: Match it to your motor & battery
- Rec. Speed control: 30A
- LiPo Battery
- Charger
- Tools & glue
Seagull 2000 Sailplane for Electric Power
The SEAGULL 2000 is designed with the sports trainer flyer in mind. It is a High-wing airplane which is easy to fly and quick to assemble. The airframe is conventionally built using balsa, plywood and veneer to make it stronger than the average ARTF, yet the design allows the airplane to be kept light. You will find that most of the work has been done for you already. The pushrods are pre-made to the correct lengths, the motor mount has been fitted and the hinges are pre-installed and pinned for security.
Not included:- Egenskaper
Driftsätt: El Levereras som: Almost-Ready-To-Fly Lämplig För: Erfaren Plantyp: Elseglare Spännvidd: 2000 mm Vingarea: 31,5 dm2 Längd: 941 mm Material: Balsa Vikt: 1000 g Fartreglage: Ingår Ej Sändare: Ingår ej Motor: Ingår ej Motortyp: Borstlös Skevroder: Ja Batteri: Ingår ej Laddare: Ingår ej Behöver kompletteras med: 4 Kanals Radio , Brushless Fartreglage , Brushless Motor , LiPo Batteri - Delar
- Populära Tillbehör
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- Flik
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