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Dekalark Fist Logo RPM i gruppen Katalog / Fabrikat / R / RPM / Bildelar hos Minicars Hobby Distribution AB (RPM70020)

Dekalark Fist Logo RPM

1 st
Cirkapris: 92 kr
  • Information
    • RPM Decal Sheet Fist Logo

      You run RPM parts on your favorite ride and want to show off that fact, but standard logo decals bore you, right? Our new “Fist” logo decals will punch a hole in that problem! These new logo decals are a fun and interesting way to show off the fact that your RPM parts are on-guard and ready to defend your vehicle from the worst punishment that can be thrown at it.

      The RPM logo of our new decals is “tattooed” on the knuckles of a brawler’s fist, showing off the strength and endurance of RPM products. Included are two sheets of decals for a total of 2 – large 76 x 59mm, 8 – medium 48 x 38mm & 8 – small 25 x 20mm decals.

      These decals are exclusive to this part number. They will not be available as an extra in our parts packages like our normal logo decals (RPM #70005) so get a set now and show off your support for the RPM parts on your ride in a unique and fun new way!
  • Egenskaper
    • Ursprungsland: US
  • Delar
  • Populära Tillbehör
    • Nedladdningar
    • GPSR
    • Tillverkare

      Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

      Namn RPM RC Products / Rohart Precision Mold, Inc
      Adress 14978 Sierra Bonita Lane
      91710 Chino
      Land United States of America
      Telefon 001-909 393 0465
      Epost Talk2Us@rpmproducts.com
      Hemsida www.rpmproducts.com


      Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

      Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
      Adress Annelundsgatan 17
      74940 Enköping
      Land Sverige
      Telefon 0046-0171143000
      Epost info@minicars.se
      Hemsida https://www.minicars.se
    • Flik
    Se fler varor
    Dekalark Pro Logo RPM (2)
    3 st
    Cirkapris: 76 kr