- Information
- Easy application: due to its pliability and a shrinkage of 5 % in both directions ORATEX® is easy to apply round corners and edges. Creases can easily be removed with a heat-gun.
- Excellent adhesion: the adhesive of ORATEX® is about twice as strong as that of conventional fabric coverings.
- Remarkable toughness and stability of the fabric.
- Protective seal: the surface of ORATEX® has been treated to make it resistant to fuel and oil. You can paint or varnish it if you wish, but there is no need for it!
- 8 attractive colours.
- Type of Application: Iron-on
- Type of Article: Fabric
- Width in mm: 600
- Colour Code: 091
- Colour: Silver
- Colour Series: Oratex
- Length: 10 m
ORATEX Silver - 60cm x 10m
ORATEX®, an iron-on type polyester fabric covering, is ideal for all scale models, large scale models and historical models. NOT FOR GENERAL AVIATION!
ORATEX® has 5 points in its favour:
Specs:- Egenskaper
Ursprungsland: DE - Delar
- Populära Tillbehör
- Nedladdningar
Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.
Namn Lanitz Prena Folien Factory Adress Am Ritterschlösschen 20
4179 Leipzig Land Germany Telefon 0049 - 341442305-0 Epost export@oracover.de Hemsida www.oracover.de/film
Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.
Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping Land Sverige Telefon 0046-0171143000 Epost info@minicars.se Hemsida https://www.minicars.se - Flik