- Information
- Wingspan: 1920 mm
- Length: 1560 mm
- Weight: 5.1 kg
- Wing area: 62.4 dm2
- Wing loading: 81.7 g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca Airfoil
- Gear type: Oleo struts (included)
- Spinner: 95 mm
- Radio: 6 channels
- Servos: 9x
- Servo mount: 42 x 21 mm
- Engine: 1.20 2- or 4-stroke
- Electric motor: Brushless outrunner 1800-2300W, 450KV
- Propeller: Suit with your engine
- Motor: RIMFIRE 1.20
- LiPo: 1x6S or 2x3S in series 4000-5000 mAh
- ESC: 80A
Black Horse JU87 STUKA - Glow or EP
The Black Horse Stuka is a near to scale replica of the Ju-87B-2 variant, representing an aircraft operated in Austria in 1943. Some compromises have been made to model construction/flying but the general outline is fairly close to scale, as is the colour scheme.
Designed primarily for a 1.20 size four stroke engine, the Stuka can also be converted to EP power if required and a hatch on the underside allows acces to change the battery.
Those characteristic ailerons and flaps work just like the real thing and are surprisingly effective. The highly tapered wing requires care when landing but once down, the sprung undercarriage absorbs the bumps on the average flying field very well.
Each wing, complete with undercarriage leg, can be removed for transport. Although the bomb is fixed, a little inginuity will allow a dropping mechanism to be conjured up, by those that feel it is essentail.
The canopy has been left un-glued, so that scale fanatics can dress up the cockpit and pilots to their hearts content!
Parts listing required (not included):
Recommended motor and battery set up (not included):- Specifications
Delivered as: Almost-Ready-To-Fly Operating Mode: Electric , Fuel Plane Type: Scale , Warbird Span: 1920 mm Suitable For: Experienced Wing area: 62,4 dm2 Material: Wood Weight: 5100 g Aileron: Yes Motor Type: Brushless , Nitro Motor/Engine: Not Included Flaps: Yes Retracts: Yes Needed To Complete: BL Motor System or Nitro Engine , Servos , Transmitter & Receiver - Parts
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- Spare Parts (4)
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Registred contact information for the products manufacturer.
Name Black Horse NTS Co Ltd Contact Black Horse Address 03/2A
Hiep Thanh Ward12 District Ho Chi Minh City Country Vietnam Phone 0046-0171143000 Email info@blackhorsemodel.com.vn Homepage www.blackhorsemodel.com.vn
Registered contact information for the responsible company within the EU.
Name Minicars Hobby Distribution AB Address Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping Country Sverige Phone 0046-0171143000 Email info@minicars.se Homepage https://www.minicars.se - Flik
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12809 kr