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Phoenix Edge 200 32V 200A ESC w/5A BEC i gruppen Katalog / Fabrikat / C / Castle Creations / ESC Flyg/Heli hos Minicars Hobby Distribution AB (CC010-0098-00)

Phoenix Edge 200 32V 200A ESC w/5A BEC

2 st
Cirkapris: 5343 kr
  • Information
    • Get the Edge over your competition.

      With the debut of the Phoenix Edge series of ESCs the next evolution in speed controller technology has arrived. The Edge series introduces a user programmable auxiliary wire capable of functions modelers have only dreamed of, until now. The white auxiliary wire can be used for helicopter governor gain input adjustments mid-flight, serve as an audible beacon after an “unexpected landing”, act as an RPM output for 3-axis gyros that support RPM sensors, be used as an ESC arming lock (coupon for free Arming Lockout Key included) or as a receiver arming lock. Combined with the data logging capability the Edge series of controllers offer, users can enjoy unparalleled versatility.

      The Phoenix Edge series is intended for use in helicopters ranging from 450 to 800 size, and fixed wing aircraft up to 1.20 size and larger. As always, the Edge series of controllers offer industry-leading software functions, data logging, and USB programming capability via Castle Link USB adapter.

      Technical Specs:
      • Input voltage: MIN: 2S LiPo MAX: 8S LiPo
      • Max continuous amperage at full throttle: 200 amps*
      • BEC voltage (voltage regulator for powering radio and sevos): User selectable choice from 5 to 8.4 volt output
      • BEC output amperage: 5 amp peak**

      Size and Weight:
      • Width: 50.8 mm
      • Length: 108.4 mm
      • Height: 31.5 mm
      • Weight w/wires: 249.6 g
      • Weight w/o wires: 148.6 g

      • Programmability: Fully programmable Castle feature set using Castle Link USB adapter (coupon for free Castle Link USB adapter included in package) and freely downloadable Castle Link Windows software.
      • Castle Field Link Programming Card (sold separately) compatible for select functions.
      • Connectors: Battery and motor connectors sold separately
      • Tools needed for installation: Soldering iron and solder to attach bullets to motor wires and battery connector to power wires.

      *RC HOBBY APPLICATION RATING: 200 amps for the duration of a single 10,000 mAh battery pack with the ESC in contact with a 5 mph airflow of 25C (77F) or cooler air. Controller temperature must never exceed 100C (212F). Exceeding current or temperature ratings may damage components and may shorten the life of the ESC. Always verify system current draw at full-throttle. Decrease load or increase airflow to decrease the ESC’s operating temperature.

      **Peak indicates amperage sustainable for 0.5 seconds – long enough for most servos’ current draw transients. Your setup may vary. Always confirm servo current draw before the first flight of the model.
  • Egenskaper
    • Ursprungsland: US
  • Delar
  • Populära Tillbehör
  • Nedladdningar
  • GPSR
  • Tillverkare

    Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

    Namn Castle Creations
    Adress 540 North Rogers Road
    66062 Olathe Kansas
    Land United States of America
    Telefon 001-9313906939
    Epost home@castlecreations.com
    Hemsida www.castlecreations.com


    Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

    Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
    Adress Annelundsgatan 17
    74940 Enköping
    Land Sverige
    Telefon 0046-0171143000
    Epost info@minicars.se
    Hemsida https://www.minicars.se
  • Flik
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