Traxxas Funco Pro Scale Sand Car

Traxxas Funco Pro Scale Sand Car

Driving a sand car is an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride like nothing else on Earth. Outfitted with 1000+ horsepower engines and trick long-travel suspension systems, sand cars can top 240 kph and wheelie with just a blip of the throttle. The new Traxxas Pro Scale® Sand Car is a 88+ kph replica purpose-built to deliver the same raw excitement and thrill of driving the full-size Funco Motorsports car in dramatic X-Series™ scale.
Futaba T6PV Rattradio

Futaba T6PV Rattradio

This is a mid-high class transmitter that adds the elements of the T10PX to the operability of the T4PM Plus. The full-color display allows intuitive operation. In addition, by supporting the fastest system "F-4G", it is easier to feel the "response/feeling function" that gives stability to operation.
O.S. MAX-R21 Ver.2 Banbilsmotor

O.S. MAX-R21 Ver.2 Banbilsmotor

The new MAX-R21 VER.2 is developed for 1/8 on-road racing with excellent cost performance that can be easily used in races for entry level to sports users. Crankshaft and carburetor have been revised from the previous model for more ease of use...
O.S.Speed R21-M06 Marinmotor

O.S.Speed R21-M06 Marinmotor

This is the new 2025-edition Minicars Marine Special Edition O.S.SPEED R21-M06 3.5cc long-stroke competition engine. The R21-M06 has a new piston & liner, a new conrod, a new crankshaft & a ceramic main ball bearing...
Minicars GPSR Statement

Minicars GPSR Statement

Från och med idag träder den nya EU-förordningen GPSR (General Product Safety Regulation) i kraft. Syftet med den är att säkerställa att alla konsumentprodukter på EU-marknaden uppfyller höga säkerhetskrav och är spårbara genom hela leveranskedjan, vilket stärker skyddet för konsumenter och effektiviserar övervakningen av produktsäkerhet.
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