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USCG 36500 36' Motor Lifeboat 686mm Träbyggsats i gruppen Katalog / Fabrikat / D / Dumas / Båtmodeller hos Minicars Hobby Distribution AB (DU1258)

USCG 36500 36' Motor Lifeboat 686mm Träbyggsats

1 st
Cirkapris: 4788 kr
  • Information
    • USCG 36500 36' Motor Lifeboat - 686 mm

      The CG 36500 is famous for the rescue of 32 men from the tanker S. S. Pendleton, which broke in half during a winter storm off Chatham Bar, the elbow of Cape Cod (also known as New England's graveyard of ships). To this day, the saving of the Pendleton crew remains the single greatest small-boat rescue in the history of the United States Coast Guard. The crew received the Gold Life Saving Medal for hard work during this cold, dark rescue attempt. This kit features balsa planking over laser cut lite ply frames  Detail parts include cast metal fittings, color flags and decals, and a sheet of laser cut birch ply detail pieces.  The kit has excellent documentation with it's full size plan, 43 page instruction manual and packet of 59 figure drawings.

      • Length: 686 mm
      • Beam: 203 mm
      • Scale: 1/16

      Additional parts required for R/C:
      • Running Hardware Kit #2371
      • 6 Volt High Speed Electric Motor
      • Electronic Speed Control
      • 7.2 Volt NiMh Battery & Battery Charger
      • 2 Channel radiosystem with servo
      Please Note: some of the running hardware parts are called for early in the construction of the model.
  • Egenskaper
  • Delar
  • Populära Tillbehör
    • Nedladdningar
    • GPSR
    • Tillverkare

      Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

      Namn Dumas Products
      Adress 909 E 17th St
      85719 Tucson
      Land United States of America
      Telefon 001-520-623-3742
      Epost tracking@dumasproducts.com
      Hemsida www.dumasproducts.com


      Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

      Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
      Adress Annelundsgatan 17
      74940 Enköping
      Land Sverige
      Telefon 0046-0171143000
      Epost info@minicars.se
      Hemsida https://www.minicars.se
    • Flik
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