Seagull Westland Lysander MKIII ARF Airplane
Even at the time of its maiden flight in 1936 Westlands answer to the 1934 Air Ministry specification that called for an army co-operation and liaison aircraft was, to be honest, looking rather dated. Even so, with its fully automatic wing slots, slotted flaps and variable incidence tailplane the Lysander was aerodynamically advanced, offering its pilots a stall speed of just 65mph and an enviable STOL capability. So it was, then, that the Lysander beat Bristols Type 148, won the contract, and entered the popular annals of history. Rugged, gull-winged, bespatted, and powered by Bristol Mercury radial, this ugly duckling of a warbird was destined only to endear itself to all who clapped eyes on it, and so it is with Seagulls carefully considered 50cc facsimile. Its a beauty!Presented in the eye-catching colour scheme of LX-L, a Lysander III housed at Hendons Royal Air Force Museum, this 118' span high quality balsa / ply ARTF comes factory covered in genuine matt finish Oracover film and features a detailed cockpit, two piece plug-in wings (to simplify transport and assembly) and, crucially, all the necessary hardware for either glow or electric power.
- Lightweight, high quality balsa and plywood construction
- Eye catching scale colour scheme
- Covered in genuine matt finish Oracover film
- Factory painted fibreglass engine cowl and wheel spats
- Detailed cockpit with lightweight painted pilot figure
- Forward cockpit hatch for easy radio and flight battery access
- Superb flying characteristics
- Two-piece, plug-in wings simplify transportation and assembly
- Full hardware pack included for either gas or electric power
- Wingspan: 299.7 cm
- Wing area: 94.9
- Approximate flying weight: 10kg
- Length: 178.8 cm
- Engine: Gas 55cc
- Electric Conversion: Included
- Radio system required: 6 channels with 8 servos