- Produktinformationen
- Wingspan: 2075 mm
- Length: 2259 mm
- Weight: 11 kg
- Wing area: 96.47 dm2
- Wing loading: 120 g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca Airfoil
- Servo mount: (42 x 21) mm
- Spinner: P-47 style (not included)
- Main gear type: Electric retract gear with oleo struts for main gear(included)
- Tail gear type: Electric gear with CNC suspension metal struts (included)
- Radio: minimum 7 channels
- Servo: 08 servos. Standard high torque servos
- Engine: 50 – 60cc Gas
- Motor: Brushless outrunner 5000 – 6500W, 230KV
- Propeller: Suit with your engine
- Motor: RIMFIRE. 50 cc.
- LiPo Battery: 12 cells 5500 – 6000mAh
- Receiver battery: 6.0V-7.4V, 2600-3200mAh (3 Packs)
- ESC: 120A
P-47 THUNDERBOLT - 50-60cc Gas
The P-47D Thunderbolt is one of those aircraft that has stood the test of time. It has been modelled on countless occasions, but when Black Horse decided to make a big one for 30cc petrol engines they went all-out for realism and presence in the air. The real Thunderbolt was a very rugged machine that often returned from combat with large lumps missing, even engine cylinders! The Black Horse version will not quite achieve that, but she certainly is tough!
Strength where it is needed and weight saving where it is not, that is how Black Horse designs their models. From the very beginning, the CAD design is optimised to provide the correct combination of toughness and low wing loading. Low wing loading means no nasty surprises at slow speed and less wear and tear on the undercarriage. The supplied undercarriage is the very latest generation of Black Horse air type with CNC machined mechanics and tough oleo legs. The undercarriage has been refined and improved throughout all Black Horse production to culminate in this new generation system.
The CNC cut balsa and ply parts have been jig assembled in the factory to assure complete alignment during your assembly. All wood parts are covered in durable Oracover film and finished off using authentic decals for both a dramatic and practical colour scheme.
The Thunderbolt makes a great choice for scale modellers that want something practical and just can't be bothered to spend a year building it. Why would you want to when Black Horse does it so well out of the box for such a great price?
Parts listing required (not included):
Electric Conversion (not included):- Features
Delivered as: Almost-Ready-To-Fly Operating Mode: Fuel Plane Type: Scale , Warbird Span: 2075 mm Suitable For: Expert Wing area: 96,5 dm2 Length: 2259 mm Material: Wood Weight: 7500 g ESC: Not Included Transmitter: Not Included Aileron: Yes Motor Type: Gasoline Motor/Engine: Not Included Flaps: Yes Retracs: Yes Battery: Not Included Charger: Not Included Needed To Complete: Gasoline Engine , Servos , Transmitter & Receiver - Teile
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Registrierte Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers des Produkts.
Name Black Horse NTS Co Ltd Contact Black Horse Address 03/2A
Hiep Thanh Ward12 District Ho Chi Minh City Land Vietnam Telefon 0046-0171143000 E-mail info@blackhorsemodel.com.vn Webseite www.blackhorsemodel.com.vn
Registrierte Kontaktinformationen für das verantwortliche Unternehmen innerhalb der EU.
Name Minicars Hobby Distribution AB Address Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping Land Sverige Telefon 0046-0171143000 E-mail info@minicars.se Webseite https://www.minicars.se - Tab
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